Miui Stallion Mod Untuk Lenovo A319
Download Miui Stallion Mod HDK For A319
Fitur :
- Smoth
- Syatem animasi keren
- Dual 3G ( Gunakan DS Control)
- Dolby Atmos
- Radio Fm Ok
- Wifi & Hotspot
- Suport Vpn
Add By me
- Hishoot2i & Lenovo Template
- Quick Reboot
Untuk aktifkan 3G di sim 2
- masuk ke pengaturan Kartu Sim dan jaringan
- Internet pilih sim 2
- Buka Dual sim Control
- data Conection
- silahkan aktikan jaringan 3G nya di sim 2
- pilih Set Network Mode WCDMA on sim 2
BUG: internal dan eksternal (Stroge) yang lain belum temukan, jika ada mari kita perbaiki bersama-sama
Cara pemasangan jangan lupa backup kalau belum punya backupan rom, jika sudah ya tidak perlu backup lagi
Test By Me Via PTR (Philz Touch Recevory)
How To instal:
Go to recevory
* Wipe and format options
-Factory reset
-Wipe Chache
-Wipe Dalvik/Art Chache
-Clean To Instal New Rom
Instal Zip
Select Custom rom
Finish and reboot
- Proses setelah Reboot 5-15 Menit
Link rom: Miui Stallion Mod HDK (454Mb)
Link GAPPS: Mini GAPPS Miui 4.4.2 (36Mb)
Download Fix Contact. zip
Kekurangan itu Milik Manusia karena Kesempurnaan Hanya Milik Alloh swt
Update Miui to Miui Stalion Mod
Changelog :
Added dinamic status bar
Icon sinyal right and left
New kalkulator ala miui 8
New calendar ala miui 8
New updater ala miui 8
New weather ala miui 8
New thema default ala miui 8
Cara instal:
- Masuk recevory
- Instal zip
- Lalu reboot
Link to update MIUI Stallion Mod 7 2.1.4 To (110 Mb)
Big Thanks To :
Alloh swt
Nabi Muhammad saw
Big Family SmartFourTeam
Android Matrix Development
Team Stallion Mod
Smart For teams
Team Janda Lovers
Team Stay Os
Multirom.me Russian forum
Miui pro Forum
Forum Miui vietnam
En.miu.com Forum
4pda forum
D.A.T Team
Janda Lovers
Stay OS Indonesia
HDK (port To Lenovo A319)
Sefrik Hernandez (Referensi link)
And All Dev All Forum For Tutor And Support.
All user and Admin Group Lenovo A319 User INA
Terimakasih Telah membaca Miui Stallion Mod Untuk Lenovo A319 , Semoga Bermanfaat Untuk Anda
Wassalamu'alaikum wr.wb
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